What should our control unit look like in the fall & Spring months?

Hi all the people! I hope you’re all staying well & staying home while we’re in the midst of this global pandemic.

Since I am spending so much time at home (and I anticipate that this stay at home order will last through the fall season) I wanted to get some perspective on energy saving tips. I am a big fan of saving energy on our biweekly heating & cooling bills. Not only does being smart with your Heating & A/C plan lead to more money in your pocket, but also a better environment in general. I have consistently known that in the summer time the most cost-effective control unit setting is warmer, while all of us were in the Winter time the most cost-effective control unit setting is cooler. However, since the fall & Spring months require myself and others to hop back & forth on the temperature I set on the control unit, I’m wondering if there is an ideal temperature for this time of the year? In the winter, for example, I suppose that setting the control unit to 68 degrees Fahrenheit is the commanded base setting. What about in the fall? How should I set our control unit to save money & keep our Heating & A/C plan running smoothly? I would prefer your input & I would be cheerful to provide additional information about the temperature I live in if that helps you determine the best practices for our Heating & A/C system. Thanks in advance for your help on this! If anyone on this page is an Heating & A/C specialist, please let myself and others suppose what you recommend or if there is anything else I could be doing in the meantime.

Heating tune up