My spouse particularly looks forward to throwing her parties, as well as I look forward to hiding out in the basement person cave while she hosts them. I will do all of the manual labor, set up the tables or decorations, go buy the food as well as drinks, as well as everything else she may need, however when the party starts I go hide out in our person cave to watch sports as well as drink beer. I will do almost anything for her, however making small talk with her girlfriends is not 1 of those things. My person cave is fairly large, because I took over the entire basement. I have our own thermostat down here, so that I can best utilize the zone temperature controls for our central Heating plus Air Conditioning system. What this means, in more simple terms, is that I can set our own cooling levels separate from those upstairs. My spouse could set her thermostat however she wanted for her party, it would not affect myself and others down here. The only concern this time was that her thermostat stopped absolutely working, as well as no matter what she did she could not get the A/c to turn on. She was on the verge of panic when I made her a deal — she as well as her friends could go to the basement as well as like the AC down there, but I got the rest of the beach house to myself for the evening. Once they all went downstairs, I changed out the batteries in the thermostat as well as turned the cooling system back on. It particularly was that simple of a concern to fix.