A nice neighbor of mine works for a corporation that installs security systems, he has been now working in their sales department for years. Over lunch, last week, he told me about some of the products that his corporation offers. I had only thought that his corporation offered some additional apartment security but I l acquired that they offered so much more than that. They have recently ventured into the world of smart apartment security which is so much more than an alarm going off in the event of a break in. He explained that all of his purchasers can open up an application on their iphone, plus from anywhere in the world, can control the temperature of their home, as well as lock plus unlock their doors. The idea of that is so fascinating to me, especially the area about controlling the temperature remotely. I have more than one gentlemen plus while they are responsible enough to stay apartment alone, I do not trust them to control the temperature on our Heating plus Air Conditioning system. They occasionally will send me a text complaining that they are chilly chilly or so tepid that they are covered in sweat. I usually do not believe them, but rather than ignore them, it would be nice to adjust the temperature of our home, from the comfort of our office desk. I recognize that I am going to have 1 of those smart thermometers installed in our home, this Spring, when I gain our tax return. I recognize that having a high quality Heating plus Air Conditioning plan is importing in this current world.