Don’t Dump Your Old HVAC Unit in the Woods or Leave it in a Dumpster

As we replace our old Heating & Air Conditioning units with more modern and efficient systems, we need to think about how we dispose of these old machines.

  • Most old Heating & Air Conditioning units contain toxic chemicals that can make their way into the ground, poison water sources, kill or maim local wildlife & disrupt the local ecosystem.

Thankfully, current air-conditioning units are now being made with environmental impacts in mind. The key to replacing your old Heating & Air Conditioning unit, then, is to hire the appropriate professionals to ensure that the equipment is dismantled in a safe way, its parts recycled where possible and, where this is not feasible, disposed of responsibly. You can start by contacting your Heating & Air Conditioning specialist & learning about disposal options. Your specialist may be able to take away the equipment & refurbish it for reuse. If your old Heating & Air Conditioning equipment is not able to be recycled as a whole, it may be possible to recycle individual pieces. Again, a nearby Heating & Air Conditioning professional may be able to help or can direct you to the right place in your locale. In the event that the old system is unusable, you might contact a local e-waste disposal business. For a percentage of the cost of your new HVAC unit, they can take away the old equipment & recover any parts for scraps before carting it to an e-waste site. If you have no clue about whom to contact, you might get in touch with your town officials for references. Municipal governments are most often responsible for waste disposal & has an interest in ensuring people’s health & safety. Whatever you do, do not leave old Heating & Air Conditioning systems out with the trash or dump them in the woods. Do the right thing for your town and neighbors & your own health & do your best to get rid of your Heating & Air Conditioning responsibly.


Don’t Dump Your Old HVAC Unit in the Woods or Leave it in a Dumpster