Want to get a standing back tuck

On my bucket list is to be able to do a standing back tuck.

I have tumbled all throughout my life at a lower level gym.

There were simply folding mats over cement floors. A lot of the things I can do are self taught. One thing I always wanted to do was a back tuck. Typically short men are able to whip out this trick. They don’t have as much body to get over and they are strong enough to do it. As a taller woman, a standing back tuck did not seem to be in the cards. Lately I have been dedicating myself trying to get ready for it. I practice tuck jumps nearly everyday. I also do practice tucks landing on a foam mat. The last thing I have been doing is toning the additional muscles that could help me. For example, doing tucks does take a lot of lower ab strength. I need to be able to quickly pull up my legs and hold them to my chest. I need lower body work too. My thighs, calves and butt all need to be toned in order to launch myself into the air. I can’t be flabby or weak on top either. My arms are what initially helps my height at the start of the tuck. I have being doing a group fitness class a few days a week. It gets me working other muscles and toning my body without a lot of damage. I am thinking with all this work towards my goal, I should be able to finally tuck once a for all.

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