Shocked by human kindness; shop owner offers our family her window AC unit

For anybody who thinks that humans aren’t inherently good, I would challenge you to talk to more people; You would be surprised how several actually kind and good-natured people are out there.

I will never stop being shocked by the amazing acts of kindness that I see all around me.

The other day, for instance, I was at beach house with the adolescents when our central cooling idea shut down! My hubby has been out of neighborhood for various weeks, tending to the COVID medical crisis at a large neighborhood hospital, however our time and finances are seriously slim right now, so I did not want to call the Heating and A/C contractor immediately. I did not want our hubby to be more stressed out by putting the weight of the a/c component on her shoulders, either. I figured the people I was with and I should just try to get by separate from any indoor air temperature control until our stimulus checks arrived. I decided to take the adolescents on a quick trip to the local pharmacy to get out of the sweltering hot home for a while. Our hot hot and cold temperatures must have been incredibly apparent, because the tiny shop owner asked if the people I was with and I were enjoying the a/c in her store. I told him a brief version of our Heating and A/C drama, and went back to looking at bug spray with the adolescents, however by the time the people I was with and I inspected out, the shop owner had taken her AC window component out of its respected beach house and set the cooling unit on the counter. She told myself and others to take the AC component beach house for myself and others and the adolescents, and not to worry about returning it if the people I was with and I couldn’t afford a new a single. Humans are amazing.
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