High velocity a/c provides central cooling

When our spouse, Angela and I moved north a few years ago, buying a condo that featured central a/c wasn’t a priority.

We’d lived our lives in the deep south, where the temperature is normally in the mid 90’s for most of the year.

The two of us were confident that the northern summers wouldn’t be a problem for us. However, Angela and I were surprised by the high humidity levels. Our first summer time in the north, the two of us tried using box fans and the condo was terribly boiling and sticky. The two of us then decided to spend the money for a central A/C. Our condo in the north is older and features the original plaster walls. The two of us realized legitimately swiftly that the two of us didn’t want to tear into the walls and create a large mess to install conventional ductwork. The two of us heat our condo with a boiler system so we’d never had a need for a duct system. After some research, I discovered high velocity a/c. This genre of system uses bendy mini ducts that can be inserted into existing walls without causing any injure. The ducts are only many inches in diameter and can really be snaked around pipes, wires and other obstacles. The installation process isn’t overly invasive and can be completed legitimately swiftly. Another luck is that the ducts connect to legitimately small vents that can be painted to match the decor. The two of us were able to have the high velocity A/C installed for a much more sufficient price than a traditional cooling system. The system requires about half of the airflow of a conventional unit, so the air is brought in faster and is colder. It operates almost silently and unattachs around thirty percent more humidity from the air.

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