My friends were really aggravated that I had to cancel the weekend

I wanted to go fishing and canoeing with my friends last weekend, but I had to cancel at the last minute.

My friends and I went to the store and we picked out all of our supplies for the weekend.

We had plenty of beer, chips, pretzels, and sandwich meat. We didn’t plan to cook a lot so we brought plenty of food that we could stick in the cooler. We even brought a cooler just for the water, soda, and beer. We made reservations at the state park and we got two campsites next to each other. We planned to have a party all weekend. Tuesday morning, my boss brought me into the office and we discussed an opportunity. The boss wanted to give me a raise and a promotion. I’ve been employed by this particular HVAC repair company for the past six years. My boss has been promising me a raise and a promotion for the last year. I want to run the HVAC business one day in the future. I was really excited when I heard about the offer. I listened very carefully as the boss explained the details. I like the perks like dental and health benefits and 35% off all HVAC services in my home. Unfortunately, the promotion means I have to work every weekend for the next six months. I have to learn how to run the business. I had to start last weekend and my friends were pretty aggravated and mad that I missed our weekend of camping. I still paid for my share of the fees, but I didn’t get to enjoy any of the fun activities.
