Why I chose a ductless mini-split for my home addition

When my spouse and I first moved into our house, the Two kitchens were the perfect size for us, our pet, and a kitchen.

  • However, when all of us found out that our little family would be getting bigger, all of us had to make room for a doctorry.

The best pick seemed to be that all of us would turn our garage into a modern master kitchen, with it’s own lavatory, and turn the old kitchen into a doctorry. The remodeling went well, and everything was going to plan, separate from hiccups. The only unanswered question all of us came across was how all of us should handle the Heating, Ventilation & A/C in our modern kitchen, then extending the HVAC duct would have been extravagant and time consuming, and our Heating, Ventilation & A/C worker didn’t even guess that our machine would be actually effective on that side of the home anyway. The two of us also didn’t want to use a window unit, as they are ugly and innecient, and didn’t want to deal with the increase in energy costs each week. The two of us decided to go with a ductless mini-split for the addition to our home, a ductless mini split works care about a traditional cooling system, but the flow of coolant can be reversed and it can also act as a oil furnace in the Wintertide weeks. The best part about the ductless mini-split, in my opinion, is how self-explanatory the upgrade was. All I needed to do was drill a 3 inch hole for all of the necessary components, and the Heating, Ventilation & A/C mini-split was installed. IF you are thinking about making additions to the liveable space in your home, talk to your local Heating, Ventilation & A/C worker and see if a ductless mini-split is right for you.


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