I didn't want to scare off the potential buyer

I went to a house last Saturday to perform a routine tune up and inspection on an HVAC system.

The owner of the houses in the middle of trying to sell, so he is trying to sex some of the issues that are keeping the house from selling quickly.

I performed a thorough inspection on the HVAC system. I plan to perform a tune-up as well, but I had a lot of bad news for the owner of the house. While I was performing the inspection, the owner decided to show the house to a potential buyer. I didn’t want to scare off the potential buyer when they asked me about the condition of the HVAC system. I didn’t want to lie either, so I was in a pickle. The owner thought I was going to have good news as well. He told me to share the information with the potential buyers. The smile on the face of the owner quickly turned to a frown when he found out that the heat pump needed to be replaced. The system was bold and ineffective and no longer energy efficient. The owner of the house and the potential buyer both thank me for my honest opinion. The owner and I disappeared into a different room so we could talk alone. He was frustrated and upset because I didn’t tell a better story about the condition of the heating and air conditioning equipment. I shared all of my information with the owner and recommended replacing the equipment if he really wanted to sell the house quickly.

commercial air conditioning