I tried servicing the AC before calling the building director

My girlfriend Patsy plus I moved into a current apartment building plus the location has a ton of complications.

The floor director for the apartment building let us transfer in without having a security deposit, because I told her that I would be able to provide service for all of the different complications.

I fixed up the garbage disposal plus the sink in the home office that was leaking. I fixed the holes in the wall with more current pieces of drywall. I even replaced the shower head that was falling apart plus crusty, but sadly, I could not service the problem with the AC. I tried to service the AC before I called the floor director, but I was unsuccessful with every effort. I took the component apart plus checked everything out for wear plus tear. When I finally called the building director to report the problem, I was nearing the end of my rope. The building director agreed to call an AC repair service. Just three afternoons later, the repair service worker arrived to check on the problem. The AC devices needed to be recharged with refrigerant. I never would have been able to service this problem, then you have to be a certified Heating and Air Conditioning worker to handle the refrigerants. I did not even have the right tools to complete the task. I was thankful that the floor supervisor of the building agreed to service the AC. I’m trying not to bug the woman with a bunch of little complications, but having no cold air in the Summer is a major issue. It’s humid plus muggy outside plus the rapidly changing temperatures are above 100 degrees. AC is a necessity here, not a luxury.


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