Investing in a modern railing

I have a immense front porch that I appreciate to sit on! I appreciate the view from my front porch and that I am shaded.

I can see doves, bees, rabbits and squirrels in the afternoon.

It is the perfect site to host people too. I have enough room to have a table and chairs around as well. I frequently have my guests sit outdoors and prefer the fresh air. I recently had to invest in a modern porch railing and stair railing though. The previous homeowner entirely did everything cheap. The porch was big, however made out of cheaper materials, then all the porch rails were soft and squishy. I never realized how enticing railings were to sit on until I realized mine weren’t solid. I consistently was aggravating people from sitting on them. They were flimsy, breaking and started to look ugly. I found a fencing corporation that does stair railing and porch railing upgrade. I hired them to get myself and others solid wood and to make my railing sturdy, then my Grandparents needed enjoyable stair railings to walk up. My friends need enjoyable side railing to sit on. I also wanted a high quality wood that made my home look attractive. Rather than paint the wood, I choose to do a glossy wood stain to deliver it a shine. Now that I have my finished railing, I just appreciate the look of it. My front porch went from cute to attractive overnight with just a modern railing, however eventually I hope to extend my porch and railing to completely circle my house, but baby steps though.



Fence Repair