The Heating & Air Conditioning professional was my ex-guy.

My ex-guy from our hometown was standing in front of me.

I moved nearly multiple hundred miles from my hometown. I had been moving from town to city, to be where I am needed in my company. Occasionally I get to go home, but I’m single, and I still down live someplace near my hometown. Last month, I was relocated to a state that was another 100 miles east. They put myself and others in a small apartment that is for corporate officers with extended stays in the area. One afternoon, I was getting ready for work when I realized there was no air conditioning. I called the Heating & Air Conditioning company listed on the wall and told them where I was located. I knew when I would be house and asked for an appointment after that time. Although it was going to cost myself and others a few extra bucks, I would not lose work because of air conditioning. I got house a few minutes early that day, and the Heating & Air Conditioning service van was blocking the driveway. I parked in front of the apartment and walked up to the door. I had just slipped out of my heels when the Heating & Air Conditioning professional knocked on the door. I opened the door, but I couldn’t move. My ex-guy from our hometown was standing in front of me. He stared, and I stared right back; then I started talking at the same time. We were both so stunned that we forgot about the air conditioning. He finally remembered he was there to do a task. I asked if he wanted to stay for lunch, although he said he had a fiance waiting at house for him.

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