My friend tried to repair his own air conditioner

I’ve been good friends with Tom since high school but I must say there are some things that he does that I just don’t understand.

Recently he was looking to save money and so he decided to try to save money by repairing his own air conditioning system.

I tried to warn him that repairing his own air conditioning system was a very bad idea because if he didn’t know what he was doing he could destroy it, or worse end up injuring himself however he didn’t want to take my advice and told me that if he didn’t AC worker can do it then he could too. I tried to explain to him that they he didn’t they see workers went to school to do what they do and that is why they were able to repair heating and cooling system so easily. However he had managed to convince himself that if he just watched a few YouTube tutorials and read a few books on it that he would be able to do that. I was hopeful that would be enough and he would be able to service it correctly. But I later found out he didn’t do any of those things at all and just tried to fix it on a whim! Not only was that dangerous but it was also very stupid for him to do. It didn’t go well as I figured it wouldn’t and he ended up damaging his air conditioning system. I just feel bad for him when he has to pay an expensive repair bill for the heating and they see business in having it repaired correctly but it wasn’t like I didn’t try to warn him. He had it coming by doing such a crazy thing.

energy saving tips