I always try to keep the air conditioner filters replaced frequently

Ever since my parents passed away and I’m no longer their caregiver, my life has required a lot of adjustment.

On the one hand I’m happy that I have a lot of newfound freedom that I wouldn’t have had otherwise, but on the other I’m not used to their absence.

I’m having to focus entirely on myself for the first time since college. This also means feeling a little overwhelmed by the time that I have that I didn’t have recently. I have to make the use of this time to the best of my ability and sometimes it’s hard to be honest. I was forgetting about a lot of chores that normally would be on my chore list when my parents were still around. Now I’ve got to remember to make lists for myself or I’ll forget to do the same chores I did before like replacing the air conditioner filter frequently. My parents both had allergies in their respiratory system and I was required to replace the HVAC filter at least once every three to four weeks. This was a constant factor living with my parents. Now I have to remember to do the same even though they’re no longer around. I buy a lot of HVAC filters in bulk and leave them in my utility closet so I see them everyday when I take the broom and mop out. It’s important to keep the HVAC filter replaced as frequently as possible so that it’s not making the machine work harder than necessary to keep your home cold.
air purification