The air conditioning quit working in the middle of the night

I usually sleep through the night fairly easily. This wasn’t always the case though, as I suffered with insomnia for years of my life. It started when I was in high school and I had a job on the weekends. Sometimes it would be really hard for me to get to sleep in time to get up early in the morning for my job on Saturdays and sundays. I liked that job a lot, because of the money that it earned me at the time. But if I had to be completely honest, it was really difficult working at 6:30 in the morning on a Sunday or a Saturday depending on the week. That’s pretty early to get up for a job and you’re only 15 years old. And then I had my work schedule at school throughout the week that would contribute to my sleeping problems. I didn’t understand at the time that all of the caffeine consumption I was doing was affecting my problem as well. Thankfully, my life has improved a lot over the last 15 years. I have a job and a consistent sleep schedule and I usually sleep through the night. But that’s in part because of my good air conditioning system. I love to have the temperature at least 70° at night to sleep. If I go any higher than 70°, it’s really hard for me to sleep through the night without any interruptions. The other night my air conditioner quit working while I was asleep. I remember waking up about 2 hours before my alarm was supposed to go off drenched in sweat. I immediately called the HVAC company as soon as they opened that morning. Thankfully, they were able to fix my air conditioner the next day.

temperature control