I grew up knowing how to change a tire and change an air filter in the HVAC system

We had a system we could control with a smartphone or computer.

I did not grow up in a normal household. I was kind of raised to be a tomboy. I had a lot of qualities that were similar to those who were boys. Girls were expected to be princesses and proper ladies. I was a girl who knew things that boys would know. I grew up learning how to change a tire on the care and oil in the car. These things interested me most. My dad also taught me how to change and clean the filters in the HVAC system. We knew this was important to do. We did not want the system to shut down on us at any point. I knew how to do these things. We needed to change the filter once a month. Every time we needed to my dad would take me to the HVAC system. He would show me the old filter and then show me the new filter. He would switch the filters. He even let me do it one time. It was very simple. I did not understand how other people could not do this for their own system. Another thing I learned about an HVAC system was how to control it. Growing up in a technologically advanced world, this came easy to me. We had a system we could control with a smartphone or computer. I picked up on it very quickly. I even started doing this for my dad when ever he wanted to change the temperature. These were the important things that my dad thought I would need to know.

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