Spooky sound is coming from the air duct

Last night I awoke with a start, and there was a creaking noise in my house, but for a few spine-chilling hours, I thought that someone was in my home.

Thankfully, that did not turn out to be the case; After listening for a while, I decided that the sound was coming from my Heating in addition to Air Conditioning system… Even though I knew this, I still could not fall back asleep.

The initial terror, plus the fact that the sound did not go away, kept me up for the rest of the night. This morning, I called out sick to work because I got only 2 hours of sleep all night. Then I called an Heating in addition to Air Conditioning company out. They were able to come out before noon. At first, the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning contractor could not hear the sound I was talking about but she said she would take a look at my Heating in addition to Air Conditioning system anyway. After looking at the system she couldn’t find anything wrong. Then she crawled up into the attic to check out the air duct, however she came back down plus said she could hear the sound up there plus she knew the cause: our air duct needed to be resealed. Apparently, pieces of air duct were rubbing up against other pieces of air duct. This is what was causing the creepy noises, but i was honestly grateful that the contractor was able to find the source of the sound. I told him to go ahead plus seal the air duct. As she worked, I abruptly noticed that the sound was gone… Soon thereafter, the contractor left too plus I was finally able to take a nap. I just feel I will sleep nice tonight in a quiet house.

Heat pump install