The top of the list

I have been think to take absent minded to a how other level. I have spent a lifetime deep in forgetting what I’m supposed to do. Being in my fifties sure isn’t helping any. My only opportunity is to make list after list & hope that I am somehow able to remember to follow the list. I have even put my lists out for my spouse so she can add the things that I will surely forget to get done. It’s my only hope of getting anything done at all. And even then, there is a solid opportunity I will only get to about half the list. It is what it is I suppose. There are so multiple household tasks that just rest forever on those lists. I consistently do everything else first. But, some of those tasks are actually pressing like the HVAC stuff I need to do. Honestly, I don’t even guess of the HVAC plan unless it isn’t working & I’m uncomfortable. However, I am actually trying to get better. The HVAC tasks are pressing. I started off by calling our HVAC supplier to sign up for the semi annual service program. HVAC service is actually pressing because all of us all actually depend on our HVAC systems to perform reliably. And, being on the automatic service list keeps myself and others from forgetting to make the appointment. While I was on the PC with the HVAC folks, I made an additional appointment. They have a sibling supplier who does nothing but scrub air ducts. I don’t guess these air ducts have ever been cleaned before. My spouse will be so impressed.
