The traffic in tampa bay

The Tampa Bay area is comprised of Tampa, Clearwater, St Petersburg, and a few other small communities.

The Tampa Bay area is so large that there are several different countries represented in the metropolitan area.

Tampa Bay area is made up of Manatee, Sarasota, Polk, and Citrus counties. There are more than several million people living in the Tampa Bay area. During the afternoon, all of the roads leading out of Tampa Bay are filled with cars. I happen to live outside of the Tampa Bay area, although I work in St Petersburg. Occasionally the traffic can be unnerving, however last Sunday afternoon, I was headed condo from St Petersburg. I worked until multiple in the afternoon, and our afternoon was filled with meetings and paperwork. The last thing I wanted to do was sit in traffic for 3 hours, and blessedly, that is exactly what occurred. A large tanker truck jackknifed on the interstate, closing all multiple lanes of outgoing neighborhood traffic. It took hours to clean up the mess, and traffic was backed up for 13 miles leaving Tampa. There was crude oil all over the interstate and it was a fire hazard. I sat in the automobile waiting for the traffic to move. The local stereo station kept us informed about the accident. By the time I got condo from St Petersburg, it was almost 9 in the night. I barely had time to make dinner and relax, before I had to head to bed. On afternoons care about that, I wish I could hot snooze in the day, wake up at 9, and spend the day in bed with the crossword puzzle.

Tampa home service