Waiting to buy central air conditioner:

We start it up shortly after the snow melts and keep it operating until the weather gets super chilly in the fall

For a long time, I held off installing central air conditioning into my home. I live in the northeastern part of the country, very close to the border, and our winter weather is brutal. We depend on the furnace for approximately eight months per year. It’s not unusual for the temperature to remain well below freezing and even down into the negative digits. I spend a fortune on my annual heating bills. I look forward to the weather warming up and finally getting some fresh air into the house. I never had any interest in closing the house up and running a central cooling system. My family managed with electric fans and a couple of window air conditioners. It wasn’t until I needed to replace the furnace that I decided to make the investment. The HVAC contractor offered a deal on the air conditioner, and because it was 90 degrees at the time, I went ahead with it. My whole family is totally happy with the central cooling system. It’s so convenient to be able to adjust a thermostat and have the whole house maintained at the ideal temperature. It helps with humidity and the cleanliness of the living space to have the air continuously circulated and filtered. Keeping the windows closed helps to keep out bugs, exhaust fumes, pollen and noise pollution. I’m surprised by how often we operate the air conditioner. We start it up shortly after the snow melts and keep it operating until the weather gets super chilly in the fall. Because I spent a little extra on a higher efficiency air conditioner, the cost of keeping the house cool and comfortable is reasonable.

Commercial air conditioning system