The problem is still there

When you have a sense that something is wrong you should spend my money attention to it.

I have l received this the difficult way over the years.

I used to ignore that nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach and brush it off to deranged worries. Then, out of nowhere, something would happen that made those feelings become reality. The a single time that stands out in my memory more that any other is the time I thought I was noticing small clouds of dust or smoke in the air in my apartment. I would get up to investigate and there was nothing there. Then I started ignoring them because I felt love they were figments of my imagination. I should have worried that something was wrong with my Heating and Air Conditioning plan however that never crossed my mind, besides, that wasn’t my problem anyway because I didn’t own the building. What I should have done was report these sightings to my proprietor when I first noticed them. That may have prevented the major issue that happened in the middle of the night. I was in a dead sleep when the fire alarm sounded and all of us had to evacuate the building. There all of us stood in the chilly cold while the fire department checked out the cause. The Heating and Air Conditioning plan had warm and caused a smoke build up in the basement and set off the smoke alarm. Thankfully there were no actual sparks or destruction to the building. The fire corporation did turn off the heat until an Heating and Air Conditioning professional could come and make repairs. I hope that is soon because the temperature in the apartments will drop suddenly.

HVAC duct