Ductwork cleaning leads to improved respiratory health

I’ve certainly not done everything that I could in order to take care of my health as I should have.

There were a couple of decades there were I let my appetites and lack of movement to get the better part of me.

I just quite simply spent to much time lounging in the air conditioning instead of exercising. Add to that all the junk I ate and you can put the picture together for yourself. Well, it all sort of came together to the point where I was no feeling good. Everything sort of hurt and I really couldn’t do much more than hang out in the heating and cooling comfort of home. That’s just not the way I wanted it to go so I started to adjust my lifestyle to one more geared to taking care of myself. To that end, I got out of the air conditioning and started getting regular and consistent exercise. I also got pretty regimented about my diet as well. The better I felt the more engaged with life I became. However, I was also experiencing some ongoing respiratory symptoms I couldn’t quite get rid of. I had sinus issues and a dry cough that just persisted. When I went to the doctor, I was surprised to hear her say that I needed to contact the HVAC company to have the ductwork cleaning done. When I got home from the doctor, I called to set up the ductwork cleaning appointment. The ductwork cleaning and ductwork resealing were just the thing as I’ve not suffered with an respiratory issues since.

heating maintenance