Despite working late, I didn’t miss the game.

My best buddy obtained tickets to see our favorite hockey team at the local arena.

They were playing in a championship game and the tickets were unquestionably extravagant.

My buddy found a good deal on the internet and the tickets were almost 30% off. I was supposed to get done working at 4. I needed enough time to go home and take a shower and change before the game. My best buddy was going to pick me up 30 minutes before the game. Around break time, I realized that I was not going to be done with all my work at 4pm. I was tied up to complete a full heating and air conditioning installation job but my coworker was dragging his feet. I was in the middle of welding, and he was playing a game on his cellphone. We still had numerous hours of work remaining by lunch time. I called my buddy and told him that I wasn’t going to get home on time, and he became mad and started yelling. I tried to explain the situation, although he did not want to hear anything about the heating and air conditioning installation job or the lazy co-worker. I finally completed the installation job shortly after 4pm; On my way home from work, I called my best buddy and told him to go ahead and pick me up before the game. I did not have much time to spare, but we did not miss a single moment of the game. My favorite player scored 4 goals plus I got his autograph after the game. I;m so glad that I did not miss a single moment of that game.


temperature control